
句子句子大全经典句子更新时间:2022-04-06 03:11:24

1 . My victory shows like those yellow-skinned athletes can run as fast as black and white。我的胜利说明,黄皮肤的运动员能够像那些黑人和白人跑得一样快。

2 . Brain power is movement rather than to stationary。大脑的力量在于运动而不在于静止。

3 . Static and less dynamic, infirm; there is movement there is quiet, disease-free and painless。静而少动,体弱多病;有静有动,无病无痛。

4 . Winter Move, less trouble a disease; winter, a lazy lazy, drink a bowl of medicine。冬天动一动,少闹一场病;冬天懒一懒,多喝药一碗。

5 . Chuyishenhan practice, minor illnesses do not see。练出一身汗,小病不用看。

6 . Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement。没有**的理论,就不会有**的运动。

7 . Science is based on a healthy body。 科学的基础是健康的身体。

8 . The Olympic oath encourages athletes, coaches and officials to observe the rules and the spirit of sportsmanship。奥运会誓言鼓励运动员、教练员和裁判员遵守规则,发扬体育精神。

9 . People are afraid not move, the brain afraid not。人怕不动,脑怕不用。

10 . Wisdom teeth these days tortured me, eat chew, can not move, and had to keep painkillers。智齿这两天折磨着我,吃不了嚼不动,不能运动,还得不停吃止疼药。

11 . Walking promote my mind。 My body must be in constant motion, their brains will be put into operation。散步促进我的思想。我的身体必须不断运动,脑筋才会开动起来。

12 . Refuel it, athletes are!加油吧,运动健儿们!

13 . Dialectics is the science about the outside world and the laws of a ship movements of the human mind。辩证法是关于外部世界和人类思维运动的一船规律的科学。

14 . Covered with a light run and jump, not walk loose flesh。跑跑跳跳浑身轻,不走不动皮肉松。

15 . Sport is the source of all life。 运动是生命的源泉。

16 . Thought has great significance in the history of the movement。思想在历史运动中有巨大的意义。

17 . Wall rely on strong foundation, strong body by exercise。墙靠基础坚,身强靠锻炼。

18 . Do you want to go hiking at Xiang Shan ? 我们一起去爬香山怎么样?

19 . Life is movement, human life is exercise。生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。

20 . I hope badminton can be as popular as the NBA, I hope to be able to help promote the sport。我希望羽毛球能像NBA一样受欢迎,希望自己能够帮助推广这项运动。


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