
句子句子大全经典句子更新时间:2022-06-13 20:07:41

1 . a friend without faults will never be found。 没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。

2 . a life without a friend is a life without a sun。 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。

3 . Familiar paths and old friends are the best。熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。

4 . a true friend is known in the day of adversity。 疾风知劲草,患难见真情。

5 . There is no stronger bond of friendship than a mutual enemy。具有共通敌人的友谊最牢固。

6 . better lose a jest than a friend。 宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。

7 . life without a friend is death without a witness。 在世无朋友,死后无证人。

8 . A friend in need is a friend indeed。患难朋友才是真朋友。

9 . We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours。生活可无友,邻居不能无。

10 . Better lose a jest than a friend。宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。

11 . Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs。友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。

12 . he that has a full purse never wants a friend。 只要袋里有,不愁没朋友。

13 . thy friend has a friend and thy friend’s friend has a friend so be discreet。 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。

14 . an empty purse frightens many friends。 囊中无分文,亲友不上门。

15 . A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman。远亲不如近邻。

16 . Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public。在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

17 . We can live without a brother, but not without a friend。我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。

18 . A friend is not so soon gotten as lost。交友慢,失友快。

19 . A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both。父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。

20 . Friendship is love with understanding。友谊是爱加上谅解。


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