
句子句子大全经典句子更新时间:2023-01-18 20:05:34

1 . The wheat fields have nothing to say to me。 And that is sad。 But you have hair that is the color of gold。 Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you。 And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat。麦田和我没有任何关联,真令人沮丧。不过,你有金黄色的头发。想想看,如果你驯服了我,那该有多好啊!小麦也是金黄色的,那会使我想起你。我会喜欢听麦田里的风声……

2 . 我不会为自己哭泣,只会为自己的士兵流泪!

3 . All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people。 For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides。 For others they are no more than little lights in the sky。 For others, who are scholars, they are problems。 For my businessman they were wealth。 But all these stars are silent。 You – you alone – will have the stars as no one else has them…每一个人都有自己的星星,但其中的含意却因人而异。对旅人而言,星星是向导;对其他人而言,它们只不过是天际中闪闪发光的小东西而已;对学者而言,星星则是一门待解的难题;对我那位商人来说,它们就是财富。不过,星星本身是沉默的。你——只有你——了解这些星星与众不同的含义……

4 . 生活中最糟糕的事情不是冒险失败,而是你根本没去尝试。

5 . 有越多的人讨厌你,就有更多的人热爱你;有越多的人想要打败你,就证明你有多强大。

6 . 请别说我傲慢,但我是欧洲冠军,所以我想我是特别的一个。

7 . It is your own fault, I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you…… but now you are going to cry! Then it has done you no good at all!这是你的错,我根本无意伤害你,可是你却愿意让我驯服你……可是你现在却想哭!那驯服根本对你毫无好处!

8 . 你必须赢得冠军,而且就像我一样,得是第一次赢得冠军奖杯。

9 . You know, it will be very nice。 I, too, shall look at the stars。 All the stars will be wells with a rusty pulley。 All the stars will pour out fresh water for me to drink… That will be so amusing! You will have five hundred million little bells, and I shall have five hundred million springs of fresh water…你知道,一切都会很好。我也会抬头看星星,每一颗星星都有一口井,上头都有一个生绣的滑轮。每一颗星星也会为我沁出甘醇的井水给我止渴……多有趣啊!你将拥有五亿个小铃铛,我也能拥有五亿道清泉……

10 . 我不仅仅是不高兴,不高兴还算是个褒义词。

11 . 换人是个**,如果某一天它没发生作用,就像我第一年在纽卡斯尔那样,我会受到批评,但我仍会睡的很香,因为我尝试了。生活中最糟糕的事情不是冒险失败,而是你根本没去尝试,这也是我时刻传递给队员们的信息。

12 . Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…花总是表里不一,而我太年轻了,不知道该怎样爱护她……

13 . 我们想追逐梦想,真的,不骗你。不过,追逐梦想是一回事,而沉迷其中又是另一回事。这可不是沉迷,这就是一个梦想。

14 . Men have forgotten this truth。 But you must not forget it。 You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed。 You are responsible for your rose…人们早已忘记了这个道理。可是你不应将它遗忘。你必须永远对自己所驯服的东西负责。你要对你的玫瑰花负责。

15 . For she did not want him to see her crying。 She was such a proud flower…她其实是不愿意让小王子看到自己哭泣。她曾经是多么高傲的一朵花……

16 . It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important。你在你的玫瑰花身上耗费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。

17 . 大篷车经过了,一群狗在狂吠;你看看那些狗,但大篷车继续前行。

18 . 所有人都希望切尔西输球,如果某天我们输了,他们会把那天定为公众的节日。

19 . Men have not more time to understand anything。 They buy things already made at the shops。 But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more。人是没有多余的时间去了解其它事情的。他们到商店购买现成的东西。但是世上却没有可以买到友情的商店,所以人不会再有朋友了。

20 . It is of some use to my volcanoes, and it is of some use to my flower, that I own them。 But you are of no use to the stars。我对火山和花都有用处,所以我才拥有它们。但是,你对星星们却一点用处也没有啊!


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