
句子句子大全经典句子更新时间:2022-01-21 06:14:13

1 . Thought force out sick a shrink reduction。 Get up early to do morning exercises, one day the spirit of good。练练力出,缩缩病出。早起做早操,一天精神好。

2 . Life is movement, human life is exercise。生命就是运动,人的生命就是运动。

3 . 在避风的港湾里,找不到昂扬的帆。

4 . Do not rely on medicine, do not rely on drugs, the most effective exercise every day。不靠医,不靠药,天天锻炼最见效。

5 . 你若要为你的意义而欢喜,就必须给这个世界以意义。

6 .

Optimism itself is a kind of success, behind the dark clouds is still a brilliant sunny day.

7 . I hope badminton can be as popular as the NBA, I hope to be able to help promote the sport。我希望羽毛球能像NBA一样受欢迎,希望自己能够帮助推广这项运动。

8 . The long, as trouble, long-established Shang Wei, sedentary injury blood, long injury lay gas。久视伤神,久立伤胃,久坐伤血,久卧伤气。

9 . A walk after dinner, live to nine; dinner three hundred paces, not into the pharmacy。饭后百步走,活到九十九;饭后三百步,不用进药铺。

10 . 就算没有人向我点头,我也不会放弃飞翔。

11 . you should exercise more, you’ve already out of breath after completing such a small task。 你应该多锻炼锻炼了,才干了这么点力气活就抽气得不行。

12 . 生命的道路上永远没有捷径可言,只有脚踏实地走下去。

13 . 运气,就是机会碰巧撞到了你的努力。

14 . Sitting from time to time, no section diet, extravagant in appetite, and stingy sports, this number who pathogenic great source also。起居之不时,饮食之无节,侈于嗜欲,而吝于运动,此数者,致病之大源也。

15 . Covered with a light run and jump, not walk loose flesh。跑跑跳跳浑身轻,不走不动皮肉松。

16 . Wisdom teeth these days tortured me, eat chew, can not move, and had to keep painkillers。智齿这两天折磨着我,吃不了嚼不动,不能运动,还得不停吃止疼药。

17 . A walk after dinner, live to nine。饭后百步走,活到九十九。

18 . 乐观本身就是一种成功,乌云后面依然是灿烂的晴天。

19 . They can be closer to nature。 他们可以更加地亲近大自然。

20 . 生活会辜负努力的人,但不会一直辜负努力的人。


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