
句子句子大全经典句子更新时间:2024-05-10 20:16:17

1 . Accumulate wealth, without reading。 -- Yan Zhitui积财千万,无过读书。——颜之推

2 . Determined to think the true character, reading to do hard work。 -- Ruan Yuan立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。——阮元

3 . Do not read books。 -- Xu Teli不动笔墨不读书。——徐特立

4 . Good book is the precious blood of the great heart。 -- Milton好书是伟大心灵的宝贵血脉。——弥尔顿

5 . Avoid reading dead reading, reading the dead ox horn。 -- Ye Shengtao读书忌死读,死读钻牛角。——叶圣陶

6 . Books are a great talent for the heritage of mankind。 -- Edison书籍是伟大的天才留给人类的遗产。——爱迪生

7 . Their slow Xu poo abdomen, we know not reading book。 -- Zhang Yuelou自家慢诩便便腹,开卷方知未读书。——张月楼

8 . For many years do not read, both product volumes, since the rich。 -- Feng Ban读书勿求多,岁月既积,卷帙自富。——冯班

9 . Abuse of books, the knowledge is dead。 -- Rousseau滥用书籍,则学问死矣。——卢梭

10 . Diet to stomach, read more books to keep bile。 -- Zhuang Zhou节饮食以养胃,多读书以养胆。——庄周

11 . The book is my slave, must obey my will。 -- Marx书是我的奴隶,一定要服从我的意志。——马克思

12 . Books are the president of human knowledge。 -- Shakespeare书籍是人类知识的总统。——莎士比亚

13 . Love books -- it is the source of knowledge! - Golgi热爱书吧——这是知识的泉源!——高尔基

14 . Reading should be their own thinking, their own family。 -- Lu Xun读书应自己思索,自己做主。——鲁迅

15 . Reading to ponder。 -- Cheng Hao读书要玩味。——程颢

16 . Reading without thinking is to eat and not to digest。 -- Polk读书而不思考,等于吃饭而不消化。——波尔克

17 . The poor should not forget how to read, and。 -- Wang Yongbin贫寒更须读书,富贵不忘稼穑。——王永彬

18 . The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading。 -- Li Kuchan鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。——李苦禅

19 . Reading of the law, in an orderly and progressive, familiar with the fine si。 -- Zhu Xi读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思。——朱熹

20 . You are not more expensive to read。 -- Digest读书贵精不贵多。——书摘


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