
句子句子大全经典句子更新时间:2024-05-17 11:51:49

1 . 宁为百夫长,胜作一书生。

2 . I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a common rose。 A common rose…我总以为自己很富有,拥有一朵世上独一无二的花;实际上,我所拥有的不过是一朵普通的玫瑰而已。一朵普通的玫瑰花……

3 . 为君既不易,为臣良独难。

4 . You know – my flower… I am responsible for her。 And she is so weak! She is so na?ve! She has four thorns, of no use at all, to protect herself against the world…there now – that is all…你知道——我的花……我要对她负责。她是那么脆弱!那么纯真!她也只有四根无用的刺可以自卫、抵御这个世界……就是这样,没有其它的……

5 . 故国如尘,故人如梦,登高还懒。

6 . 闻道皇华使,方随皂盖臣。

7 . You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…你知道的——当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落……

8 . 中兴诸将谁降敌,负国奸臣主议和。

9 . 宫中羯鼓催花柳,玉奴弦索花奴手。

10 . 可怜无定河边骨,犹是春闺梦里人。

11 . 云物不殊乡国异,教儿且覆掌中杯。

12 . 商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。

13 . The thing that is important is the thing that not seen… It is just as it is with the flower。 If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night。 All the stars are abloom with flowers…重要的东西用眼睛是看不到的……就好比花一样。假如你喜欢某个行星上的一朵花,在夜晚仰望星空的时候心情就会很愉快,感觉所有的行星都开满了花……

14 . 几回忆,故国莼鲈,霜前雁後。

15 . 六朝何事,只成门户私计。

16 . 投躯报明主,身死为国殇。

17 . 可惜庭中树,移根逐汉臣。

18 . In one of the stars I shall be living。 In one of them I shall be laughing。 And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night… You – only you – will have stars that can laugh…我就在繁星中的一颗上生活。我会站在其中的一颗星星上微笑。当你在夜间仰望天际时,就仿佛每一颗星星都在笑……你——只有你——才能拥有会笑的星星……

19 . 此中何处无人世,只恐难酬壮士心。

20 . Men have forgotten this truth。 But you must not forget it。 You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed。 You are responsible for your rose…人们早已忘记了这个道理。可是你不应将它遗忘。你必须永远对自己所驯服的东西负责。你要对你的玫瑰花负责。


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