1. 每次遇到乞丐,他们都向我抖一下碗里的钱,难道这就是炫耀吗?
Every time I meet a beggar, they shake the money in the bowl to me. Is this just showing off?
2. 再好看的容颜也会老去,而我内心无法承受这种落差,所以我从来没有好看过。
No matter how beautiful the face is, it will get old, and I can't bear the drop, so I have never looked good.
Other people fall in love by a variety of routines, my way is very simple, rely on the other eye blind.
4. 疫情期间,出来玩什么最重要?当然是出来。
What is the most important thing to do during the pandemic? Come out, of course.
5. 股票规律和胖瘦规律都被我找到了:不是涨就是跌。
The stock law and fat thin law were found by me: is not to rise is to fall.
6. 你是个帅锅,我想当你的盖锅。
You're a hot pot. I want to be your cover pot.
Just because I took a second look at you in the crowd, you thought I wanted a ride on your motorcycle.
8. 从来都不敢问男生们喜欢什么类型的女孩,因为我怕他们说喜欢我这样的。
I never dare to ask guys what kind of girls they like, because I'm afraid they'll say they like me.
When money is in front of me, truth goes to sleep.
Everyone is auto repair professional, help me test me is not a spare tire.