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1 . 孤单,是你心里面没有人。 寂寞,是你心里有人却不在身边。 No one is alone, is your heart. Lonely, is your heart someone but not around.

2 .  每一个人都一样,被伤害的次数多了,也就不主动了,不是因为不爱了,只是心累了。

3 .  已经路过的风景就不要再打听,失而复得的东西根本回不到最初的样子,就当风没吹过,你没来过,我没爱过。

4 .  累了的声音是最温柔的证明,你是我的秘密。

5 .  从你开始冷落我的时候,我就明白你会烦会累,我们会分开。

6 .  有些路走下去会很累,可是不走会后悔。

7 . 很多东西就像是指缝间的阳光,温暖,美好,却永远无法抓住。A lot of things like fingers sunshine, warm, beautiful, but never caught.

8 . 幸福不意味着凡事都完美,那只是因为你已经不再只看到缺憾了。Happiness does not mean that all things are perfect, that's only because you no longer see only drawback.

9 .  心好累,心灵的伤痕怎能抚平,眼角的泪怎样擦干?伤多了,痛够了,心也就不疼了,因为麻木了;夜深了,在漆黑的夜里永远是自己偷偷拭去眼角的泪。

10 . 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。The most precious in the world, is not and has lost .

11 . 我是你青春里的故事,你是我故事里回不去的曾经。You are my youth in the story, you are my story, don't go back once.

12 .  这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说,它永远活在现实里面,快速的鼓点,匆忙的身影,麻木的眼神,虚假的笑容,而我正在被同化。

13 .  别把我的付出当做理所应当。

14 . 能改的,叫做缺点;不能改的,叫做弱点。Can change, called the shortcomings; Can't change, called the weakness.

15 . 有一天,你的微笑,或许就能成为照耀在别人心灵里的一缕阳光。One day, your smile, perhaps can become a ray of sunshine shine in others mind.

16 . 习惯这个东西很可拍,特别是你不得不面对改变的时候。Used to the things are can be taken, especially when you have to face the change.

17 . 人生是一场负重的奔跑,需要不停地在每一个岔路口做出选择。Life is a load of running, it is necessary to constantly in each choose a fork in the road.

18 . 也许我们都没变,只是越来越接近真实的自己。Perhaps we didn't change, just more and more close to the real you.

19 . 每个人,都有一个世界,安静而孤独的住着一些心事。Everyone, there is a world, quiet and lonely there lived some worry.

20 . 时间送达不到的安慰,该带着心去找谁。Time served less than comfort, whom took the heart to turn to.


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