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1 . Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.

2 . 聪明的人时常清除内心的污垢,就如同工匠清理银矿中的杂质。

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4 . There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate; there is no net like delusion, no river like craving.

5 . 世界总是没有错的,错的是心灵的脆弱性,我们不能免除于世界的伤害,于是我们就要长期生着灵魂的病。

6 . 就算你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛来拥抱你。If you were a cactus,I'd endure all the pain just to hug you. 

7 . 生活的智慧大概就在于遇事问个为什么。

8 . The cause of suffering is selfish desire, whether it is the desire for pleasure, desire for revenge, or simply desire for a long life.

9 . 快乐是一种心情,一种自然的、积极向上的心态。在平凡之中寻求快乐,在磨难之中寻求快乐,在曲折之中需求快乐。再见十一月,你好十二月。

10 . Those who adhere to the principles of wisdom, have right attitudes, and true to their words and discharge their duties with responsibility are loved by people.

11 . May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!

12 . 隆冬的太阳也似乎怕起冷来,穿了很厚很厚的衣服,热气就散发不出来了。十二月你好,十一月再见,十二月请对我好点。

13 . 保持乐观积极地情绪,逆着阳光,一路向前吧!十二月你好,早安!

14 . 十二月快乐,2018年最后一个月,希望你爱的到想爱的人,赚的到想赚的钱,脚踏实地的去努力完成目标。即使很累也不轻易放弃,一直相信自己可以。早安!

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16 . Desire causes suffering because it can never be completely gratified.

17 . 宁静来自内心,勿向外寻求!

18 . He who wishes his own happiness by causing pain to others is not released from hatred, being himself entangled in the tangles of hatred.

19 . 十一月再见了,十二月你好!在2018年仅剩的一个月里,想要做的要赶紧去做,不要留下遗憾。

20 . 每一个平淡的日子都值得尊重,每一个还在身边的人都需要珍惜,认真告别,用力重逢!十一月,再见。十二月,你好。


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