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1 . 你看这春风过尽了,桃花也落尽了。我还唱着这断续的歌。

2 .  People come and go. But life is simply about those who care enough to stay. 有些人会在你人生来了又走,但只要有那些愿意停留的人便已足够。

3 . 听闻爱情,十有九悲;听闻誓言,十有九谎;听闻情话,十有九假;听闻青春,十有九狂;听闻你我,没有结果;听闻后来,始终一人。

4 . 若我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你会不会,依旧如此,牵我双手,倾世温柔。

5 . 于青萍之末,风露更婆娑。

6 . It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。

7 .  Life had a lot of things is futile, but we still want to experience.人生本来有很多事是徒劳无功的,但我们还是依然要经历。

8 . Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things youcan’t get. Dont give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost things in memory.曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。

9 . 爱情是世界上最没道理的东西,它不是天道酬勤,不是通过辛勤的努力和付出就能得到百分之百的回报,它不是数学题,只要演算方式无误就一定能找到正确的方向和出口,求得正解,它需要两个人彼此情投意合,共同努力才能坚持下去,却又因为任何一方单方面的放弃,就脆弱地瘫痪到底,没人说得清它是什么,可是你们知道的,它在那里,它就在那里。相关推荐>>>伤感爱情长篇说说,伤感爱情长说说大全We never really grow up.We only learn how to act in public. 我们从未真正长大,我们只是在别人面前学会了假装。

10 . I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca. You know I've never really been there. so I don't know. 我猜在卡萨布兰卡一定有很多破碎的心,你知道我从未置身其中,所以不得而知。

11 . Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. 自由是所有具有感知生物的权利。

12 . You want to hide a tree, then a forest is the best place to do it. 如果想隐藏一棵树,森林就是绝佳的地点。

13 . 一世欢颜,只为你一人绽放。

14 .  Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell. 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞翔,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。

15 . Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep. 现在的梦想决定着你的将来, 所以还是再睡一会吧

16 .  To the time to life, rather than to life in time to the time to life, rather than to life in time.给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。

17 . I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you. 我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。

18 . 40.如何让你遇见我,在我最美丽的时刻。为这,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他让我们结一段尘缘。

19 .  Fate as hand palm, no matter how tortuous, always in their own hands.命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中。

20 .  Life's like rollercoaster, you're up you're down. Which means, however bad or good a situation is, it'll change。生活就像坐过山车,有高峰,也有低谷,这意味着,无论眼下是好是坏,都只是暂时的。


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