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1 . 我还守在原地,不为等你,只是等自己放弃。I still keep in place, not waiting for you, just waiting to give up. ​​​​

2 .  There is a difference between giving up and letting go. Giving up is sacrificing what was rightfully yours, letting go is forgetting what was never yours.

3 . 我拦不住要走的风,也抱不住整片天空。 I can't stop the wind, I can't hold the whole sky. ​​​​

4 . 你是我最不想见到的人,却是我天天想念的人。You are the last person I want to see, but the one I miss every day. ​​​​

5 . 我跟你除了恋爱真没什么好谈的。 You and I have nothing to talk about but love. ​​​​

6 . ​

7 . 就算你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛来拥抱你。

8 .  Every day every second you make a decision that can change your life. 每时每刻,你做的每个决定都可能改变你的一生。

9 .  The heart is not like a box that gets filled up; it expands in size the more you love. 人心不像箱子会被填满,爱得越多,心会越大。

10 .  If you were a cactus,I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.

11 .  Forward! That is the battle cry.Leave ideologies for the Armchair General,does me no good. 勇往直前这是我的作战口号,纸上谈兵那一套于我无益。

12 . 热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。Hot water can not cure all diseases,lover's honeyed words can't live a life. ​​​​

13 .  Fear, I repeat it, is at the bottom of all intolerance. 我重复一遍,恐惧是所有不宽容的起因。

14 . 突如其来的委屈,连笑都带着僵硬。Sudden grievances, even with a stiff smile. ​​​​

15 . 不要轻易付出真心,因为真心,离伤心最近。Don't pay your heart sincerely and easily, because it is close to the sad. ​​​​

16 . 能看到你笑容背后的忧伤,听到你沉默背后的呼唤,感受到你愤怒背后的爱意,这种人,才能执子之手,直到永久。

17 .  Children learn more from what you are than what you teach. 孩子们从你的为人中学到的,比你教给他们的更多。

18 . 命中注定的人,无论中间经过多少曲折,终会相遇。People in fate will eventually meet no matter there been many twists and turns.

19 .  Give up the whole world and don't give up on you. 

20 .  When you're nothing at all,there's no more reason to be afraid. 当你什么都不是的时候,你就会无所畏惧。


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