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1 . Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要为结束了而哭泣,应该为过去了而微笑

2 . 无尽的人海中,我们相聚又分离;但愿我们的友谊冲破时空,随岁月不断增长。

3 . Happy he who learns to bear what he cannot change.学会承受无法改变的事情,就会幸福。

4 . The stronger your heart is, the brighter your smile will be. ~~~内心越强大,笑的越漂亮。

5 . 不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。 Don't take people's care for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get tired eventually

6 . The little things that you miss in the past, can make you miss the most important things in the future。牵挂过去鸡毛蒜皮的事,可能让你错过未来重要的事。

7 . 毕业后,我们由同学关系升级为老同学关系。

8 . 与你同行,回想起我们曾拥有过的共同理想;与你分手,憧憬着我们重逢时的狂欢。

9 . 让我的友情变成你的影子,陪伴你寂寞的光荫。让我的祝福变成雄心,鼓励你走过艰难困境。生活没有一帆风顺,努力就是成功!

10 . Sometimes when I say "I'm ok" I just want some one to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, "I know you're not." 有时候我说“我很好。"-----其实我是多希望,有个人能看穿我的伪装并紧紧抱住我,说:“我知道,你并不好。”

11 . Friends are like stars. They always lighten up your world, even in your darkest hour——朋友就像天上的星星,永远照亮着你的世界,即使在你最黑暗的时候。

12 . Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.拥有的多并不算富有,给予的多才算富有

13 . 老师,能不能约个时间,把高考的卷子讲了吧,还是那间教室,那群人,这一次,我们允许你拖课。

14 . 毕业那天,你像往常一样跟我道别。多年以后,我才明白:那天与我道别的,是青春。

15 . 人生就像旅行,好好欣赏沿途的风景。早安!Life is like traveling, so enjoy the scenery along the way. good Morning!

16 . 你总说毕业遥遥无期 转眼各奔东西。

17 . Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.能享受时可尽兴,须忍受时当坚持。

18 . 毕业后,我们由同学关系升级为老同学关系。

19 . 毕业聚会就是你笑着喝完这瓶啤酒说:“以后无论如何也要再聚在一起”可是却再也聚不齐了。

20 . 相信自己,你努力了,该得到的都会慢慢向你走来。早安!Believe in yourself, you work hard, and you will get to you slowly. good Morning!


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