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1 . 5 You not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句没感觉,消耗了我多少眼泪。

2 .  One car come, one car go, two car pengpeng, one car died! (关于一场车祸的描述)

3 .  Make my heart peng peng peng.怦然心动

4 . 4 Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。

5 .  You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. 当坚强成为你唯一的选择,你才知道自己可以有多坚强。

6 .  I am faling in love with you. 我深爱着你。

7 .  I miss you when I’m depressed, just as I miss the sunshine in the winter; I miss you when I’m irritable, just as I miss the green shade in the blazing sun. 忧愁的时候,我想念你,就如同凛冽冬日里想念暖阳;烦躁的时候,我想念你,就如同炎炎烈日下想念绿荫。

8 .  If the whole world betrays you,I’m gonna betray the whole world for you. 即使全世界都背叛你,我也会站在你身边背叛全世界。

9 . Some sensitive issues can become a pent-up knot without dialogue,or become a scar after the dialogue.有些事情,不说是个结,说了是个疤。

10 .  That’s one of the things I like about you, You’re strong. 这是我喜欢你的一个地方,你很坚强。

11 . How can i make friend with the person i falls for at the first sight.看一眼就心动的人,叫我怎么和你做朋友。

12 . 5 You say you will remember me. 你说你会记得我。

13 .  Miss who didn’t look back. 擦肩而过谁都没有回头。

14 .  The most painful goodbyes are the ones never said, but the heart already knows it's over. 最痛苦的一种再见是从未说出口,但心里却清楚,一切都已结束。

15 .  We have all got our "good old days" tucked away inside our hearts, and we return to them in dreams like cats to favorite armchairs. 每个人心底都会有深藏的美好记忆,我们常会在梦中温习他们,那心情就像猫咪会跳上心爱的椅子一般。

16 . 5 Can forget of, all no longer important. 可以遗忘的,都不再重要了。

17 .  The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

18 .  Love for the rest of your life. 用余生去爱。

19 .  Love you as you fade all pride. 喜欢你才为你褪去所有的傲气。

20 .  Never use your eyes to cry for the wrong person who hurt you. Instead use it to search for the right one. 眼睛,不应该用来为伤害你的人哭泣,而应该用来寻找那个正确的人。


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