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1 . 做不到所有人满意,也不怕全世界对我开枪。I can't get everyone satisfied, and I'm not afraid the world will shoot me.

2 . 但愿有人看透你的逞强,给你一个最温暖的怀抱。 I wish someone could see your braveness,And give you the warmest embrace.

3 . 你不用分清东南西北,只需要走向有我的方向。You don't have to divide all directions,you just need to go in my direction.

4 . 万物想你不及我心念你,万物喜你不及我心悦你。All things think you less than my heart you, all things happy you less than my heart joy you

5 .  最喜欢一个人认真起来的那股劲儿,那种努力拼搏的样子也会带动周围的人。

6 . Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it.若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。

7 .  慢慢发现真心希望你好,希望你被更多人认可的往往都是至亲的家人,或者很欣赏你才华的人。而一部分看似离得很近,甚至朝夕相处的人其实不愿意你变得更优秀。这一道理,我却是在吃过一些亏,看过一些人之后才明白。

8 . Don't make the choice if you dislike, once you make the decision, please hold on. 不喜欢就不要选择,选择了就要坚持。

9 . This is the way I am. I treat well those who treat me well. 我就是这么一个人,谁对我好我就对谁好。

10 .  如何认真的生活但又不过于计较,比如努力过却没有收获,又比如充分准备却错过的时机和考虑再三反而错误的决定。

11 .  我知道前路渺茫、一切未知,但每当看到你,我就相信,只要爱对了人,迟到也会拥有,错过也会重逢。

12 . 你是我喉咙里的刺,拔出来会痛,咽下去会死。You are a thorn in my throat,pull out will hurt,swallow will die.

13 .  随着年龄的增长,我们并不是失去了一些朋友,而是我们懂得了谁才是真的朋友。人们往往更容易对自己亲近的人发火,而不是他们讨厌的人。所谓亲近的人,就是大部分时间和他们在一起的人,这说明我们发火往往是因为我们对自己亲近的人有更多期望,或者说,想从他们那里得到更多东西,比如爱。

14 . Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as a kite! 脚踏实地,但是,心要像风筝一样飞得高!

15 . 有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事。Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry.

16 . 任何东西只要足够迷惑你,就足以毁了你,心软是病,情深致命。If anything is enough to confuse you, it will be enough to destroy you.

17 . 有些风景,一旦入眼入心,即便刹那,也是永恒。some scenery, once to see into the heart, even in the moment, is eternal.

18 . 我们绕了一圈才遇到,我比谁都更明白你的重要。We have experienced a lot to meet each other,So I know how important you are.

19 .  如果一定要用难过的方式让自己变更好,那也挺好的。

20 . 走自己的路,做喜欢的事,爱喜欢的人,做自己的主人。Go your own way, do what you love,Love the one you like and be your own master.


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