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1 .  Among thousands of people, meet the people you've met thousands of years, the boundlessness of time, neither earlier nor too late, you happen to meet.

2 . 接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。

3 . 又到过年收压岁钱的时候,别人给钱的时候总是礼貌的推来推去,其实心里紧张的要死,TM的就不会把钱塞给我就走啊。

4 . 有些人,在心底从来没被忘记,时光偷走的不只是回忆,还有我最爱的你。

5 .  We have all got our "good old days" tucked away inside our hearts, and we return to them in dreams like cats to favorite armchairs.

6 .  We come to love not by finding a perfect person,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

7 . 人生能有几十个新年欢度过?年年新年故乡过,才是生命无憾事。

8 . 我们最大的善良莫过于对陌生人礼貌,对家人耐心,对爱人体贴,对旧人不打扰。

9 . 如果过年你看到我脸色不好,别想太多,就是你忘了给红包了。

10 .  Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.

11 . 对外人始终保持一种戒备心,自然没法儿将自己放松地交给酒精。

12 . 过年那天要是我喝醉了,跟你说了什么,你别惊慌。因为那都是我的真心话,藏在心里那么久,终于可以说出来了。

13 . 你有没有过灰心的感觉?像是能看到自己一颗心迅速的衰败下来,像是天不明不白的暗了下来。铺天盖地的心灰,这时候,其实人是不会哭的。

14 . 恋爱到后来就是这样吧,从一开始全副武装,只展现最好的那一面,到后来打嗝儿放屁全然没有忌讳,熟悉彼此像熟悉自己的掌纹,感情才慢慢渗透那层给外人看的假面皮,流进血液里。

15 .  If by life you were deceived;Don't be dismal, don't be wild/In the day of grief, be mild;Merry days will come, believe!

16 . 奔波一年又一年,道句辛苦了。携手一天又一天,说声感谢了。

17 .  Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through.

18 .  Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

19 . 看着窗外美丽如画的风景,想着心与家的距离正在缩短,心中那份久违的游子之情又会油然而生。马上2020春节就要到了,想家的心情不言而喻。

20 . 一年终于到头了,终于可以回家过年了。


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