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1 . 两个人能否长久在一起,三观很重要,但对于吃货来说,三餐更重要。

2 . 想到快要开学了,心里有点恐慌加拒绝,果然人不能过太舒服的日子,会乐不思蜀的。

3 . 愿你有前进一寸的勇气,亦有后退一尺的从容。I wish I didn't care when I didn't care.

4 . 任何东西只要足够迷惑你,就足以毁了你。心软是病,情深致命。Anything that confuses you enough is enough to destroy you. Soft heart is a disease, and deep feeling is fatal.

5 . 还有几天就开学了,想到这么久没见的同学室友,还真的有点想念哦。

6 . 清断食,晒美食,没事找事呢,食欲被唤醒!

7 . 晒美食,是对平凡生活的热爱。

8 . 靠劳动吃饭,永远不丢人。

9 . 知道减肥为了什么吗,减肥就是为了再吃。

10 . 一天只吃三餐就像是虐待自己,四餐正常,五餐满足。

11 . 最近看别人晒美食特没胃口,是不是和自己控制饮食有关系?

12 . 把所有的不快给昨天,把所有的希望给明天,把所有的努力给今天。Give all unhappiness to yesterday, all hope to tomorrow, all efforts to today.

13 . 总希望在风雨欲来的时候,抱紧一些不想放弃的想法。We just can‘t let go, when the storm is ahead.

14 . 我有一颗减肥的心和一个吃货的胃,它俩天天PK,掐指一算,艾玛今天胃又赢了。

15 . 我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开。I enjoy warm in time. I forget blooms in the internal.

16 . 世界上,没有挤不出的时间,只有不想赴的约,每一个选择,其实都是内心所向。In the world, there is no time to squeeze out, only an appointment that you don"t want to go to. Every choice is actually your heart"s desire.

17 . 万里长篇不及你只言片语,风和日丽不如你寥寥一面。Ten thousand miles is not as long as you just say a few words, the wind and sunshine is not as beautiful as you.

18 . 没有结局的故事太多,你要习惯相遇与离别。岁月会记得,你温柔赤诚的心。There are too many stories without endings. You have to get used to meeting and leaving. Years will remember your tender and sincere heart.

19 . 哎,两个月的时间一晃就过了,我游戏都还没有玩够,时间你走慢一点,我还不想开学啊

20 . 心甘情愿才能理所当然,理所当然才会义无反顾。Willingness is the only way to take it for granted, and righteousness is the only way to take it for granted.


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