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1 .  能改的,叫做缺点;不能改的,叫做弱点。Can change, called the shortcomings; Can't change, called the weakness.

2 . ​

3 . I don't want to be someone that you're settling for. I don't want to be someone that anyone settles for. 我不想要你将就,我也不想成为将就的对象.

4 . You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice. 从一个人的声音可以知道他是怎样的人.

5 .  用时间证明你,值得我勇敢Use time to prove you, worth I am brave.

6 . Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功男人的背后, 都有一个女人. 每个不成功男人的背后, 都有两个。

7 . Work fascinates me. I can look at it for hours! 工作好有意思耶! 尤其是看着别人工作。

8 .  当坚强成为你唯一的选择,你才知道自己可以有多坚强。As strong as your only option, you didn't know I can have more strong.

9 . I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。

10 . who knows me understand my needs, i’m a mystery to he who know me not . “真是知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求啊”

11 .  有一天,你的微笑,或许就能成为照耀在别人心灵里的一缕阳光。One day, your smile, perhaps can become a ray of sunshine shine in others mind.

12 . When you're young everything feels like the end of the world. 当你年轻的时候,屁大点事都感觉像世界末日一般。

13 . Success is waking up in the morning,so excited about what you have to do. 成功是清晨醒来,对自己的人生充满期待;

14 . first my gaze toward the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch. “我本一心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠”

15 . I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。

16 .  非要经历一些无常,才能甘愿珍惜当下。Have to experience some uncertainty to willing to cherish the present.

17 .  时间拎走一切,只留下空壳的回忆。Carry away all the time, leaving only empty shell memories.

18 .  孤单,是你心里面没有人。 寂寞,是你心里有人却不在身边。 No one is alone, is your heart. Lonely, is your heart someone but not around.

19 .  所有的回头是岸不过是让我们渐行渐远,我愿意为你沦陷述说自己如何心甘情愿。All is but let us at tapering off, I'd like to tell you how willingly himself fall.

20 . If your gods are real and if they are just, why is the world so full of injustice? 如果你的神真的存在,如果他们真的公正,那为何世上尽是不公之事?


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