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1 . 有时候其实没生气,就是故意闹脾气,因为你的紧张在意,会让我觉得安心。

2 .  快乐有很多种方式,但是孤单却总类似。There are many kinds of way to be happy, but lonely is always similar.

3 . 做政治试卷是我这辈子说谎最多的时候    

4 .  心态决定情绪,情绪决定心情,心情决定心境,心境决定生活。Mentality decided to emotions, emotions decided the mood, the mood decided to mood, mood decided to life.

5 .   你有没有过,伤害一个很爱你的人,却拼命的爱了一个不爱你的人。    

6 .  别忘了答应自己要去的地方,无论有多难,有多远。Don't forget promised to go to your place, no matter how hard it is, how far is it.

7 . 你只是随手给了朵花,我却红了脸想用余生做代价。

8 .  Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.

9 . 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。

10 . 小时候,总觉得为老师跑腿特光荣www.anhuiqq.cn    

11 . 待你白发苍苍,红颜迟暮,我仍想牵你双手,赠你倾世温柔!

12 .  太多曾沾沾自喜势必珍惜的情谊,败给了时光的腐朽,败给自以为是的长久Too much complacency will cherish friendship, lost to time decay, long lost to self-righteous.

13 .  I'm grateful for the dark night coming, no matter how failed I am today; a new day remains to wait for my exertion.

14 .  Even when it's hard to move, take small steps forward. Because every step will lead you farther away from where you were yesterday.

15 .  世间太多的错失不是因为愚蠢,而是因为太聪明。Many mistakes in the world are not caused by stupidity,but exceeded intelligence.

16 . 我想和你在一起,哪怕前方满地荆棘,哪怕万人阻挡,哪怕白发苍苍。

17 .  景色越辽阔,心里越寂寞。View the vast, the more lonely in my heart.

18 . 接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。

19 . 我每次离开电脑的第一件事就是找拖鞋!    

20 .  眼泪中的心事,是我想你的方式,就像总要与爱情对峙,那回不去的已逝Tears in the heart, is the way I miss you, like always confrontation with love, that has gone back to not go.


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