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1 . 好想去见你,然后拥抱你,说着我爱你。

2 . 只要你开口,我就点头

3 . Don’t tell secret to the wind , the wind will blow through the forest .

4 . How much dedication lost to the time , how much tears flow through the youth .

5 . 当我痛苦地站在你的面前,你不能说我一无所有,你不能说我两手空空。

6 . When someone loves you, they don't have to say it. You can tell by the way they treat you. 

7 . You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.” Fish said to water.“But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water。

8 . Believe that you will have a brilliant day.

9 . Lonely to the deep, lonely became the armor.

10 . 爱情,如果不落实到穿衣、吃饭、数钱、睡觉这些实实在在的生活里去,是不容易天长地久的。

11 . 鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。

12 . 人生来就有一个不好的习惯,总是爱跟别人比较,看看有谁比自己好,又有谁比不上自己。而其实,为你的烦恼和忧伤垫底的,从来不是别人的不幸和痛苦,而是你自己的态度。

13 . 你要尝试走一个人的路,享受一个人的时光。

14 . 生活就是这样,你越是想要得到的东西,往往要到你不再追逐的时候才姗姗来迟。

15 . 当有人爱你,他们不需要说出来。你能从他们对待你的方式明白。

16 . 我们总是善于去伤害那些爱我们的人,因为我们根本伤害不了那些不爱我们的人;我们总是甘愿被那些我们爱的人伤害,那是因为我爱他们。

17 . I like this sentence very much: "may you have the courage to move forward an inch, but also have the ease to retreat a foot."  

18 . 多少次为你付出,多少次泪流满面。

19 . 孤独到深处,孤独就成了铠甲。

20 . For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.


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