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1 . 时间送达不到的安慰,该带着心去找谁。Time served less than comfort, whom took the heart to turn to.

2 . 我不想再惯性失落。I don't want to inertial loss.

3 . 用时间证明你,值得我勇敢Use time to prove you, worth I am brave.

4 . 当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。早安。

5 . 也许有些人很可恶,有些人很卑鄙。而当我设身为他想象的时候,我才知道:他比我还可怜。所以请原谅所有你见过的人,好人或者坏人。十二月,请你对我好一点!

6 . 每个人,都有一个世界,安静而孤独的住着一些心事。Everyone, there is a world, quiet and lonely there lived some worry.

7 . 我就是太阳,无需凭借谁的的光I am the sun, who don't need to rely on the light.

8 . 最好的爱情,让你不断完善自身,却不用丢了自己。The best love, let you improve their own, but don't lost yourself.

9 . 人生是一场负重的奔跑,需要不停地在每一个岔路口做出选择。Life is a load of running, it is necessary to constantly in each choose a fork in the road.

10 . 动身踏上旅程,带上阳光,带上美丽的心情。Set off on a journey, bring sunshine, bring beautiful mood.

11 . 我已经忘了当初的样子,连怀恋都没有证据。I have forgotten the original appearance, even there is no evidence to nostalgia.

12 . 十二月开心一点吧,自己都不开心,还奢望谁能逗你开心。再见十一月,你好十二月。

13 . 很多东西就像是指缝间的阳光,温暖,美好,却永远无法抓住。A lot of things like fingers sunshine, warm, beautiful, but never caught.

14 . 我们总是满脸微笑说不介意 但眼里有遮盖不了的失望。十一月再见。

15 . 人生过程中的景观一直在变化,向前跨进就会看到另一番新的气象。十一月再见,十二月你好!

16 . 快乐是一种心情,一种自然的、积极向上的心态。在平凡之中寻求快乐,在磨难之中寻求快乐,在曲折之中需求快乐。再见十一月,你好十二月。

17 . 时间拎走一切,只留下空壳的回忆。Carry away all the time, leaving only empty shell memories.

18 . 不要后悔做任何事情,因为曾经有个时候,那正是你想要的。Don't regret anything, because there was a time, that's exactly what you want.

19 . 非要经历一些无常,才能甘愿珍惜当下。Have to experience some uncertainty to willing to cherish the present.

20 . 时光,就这样在我们回首追寻中,兜兜转转间,一去不返。Time, so in pursueing we look back, for a walk, never look back.


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