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1 . Love is a carefully designed lie.爱情是一个精心设计的谎言

2 . In a world where you can't fight back, superheroes provide meaingful wish-fulfilment.在一个人自身无力反抗时,超级英雄能满足他们心中的愿望。

3 . At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled.所有愤怒的核心是需求没有被满足。

4 . Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why it’s called the present (the gift). 昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。

5 . The only way to be happy is to love. Unless you love, your life will flash by. 爱是通往幸福的唯一途径,若你不爱,生命不过浮光掠影。

6 . Don’t ever forget, you are loved very, very much!千万不要忘记,你拥有无尽的爱!

7 . I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible.我将一次又一次的死去,来证明生命是无穷无尽的。

8 . Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble. 几乎所有行为的荒谬性 均源自于模仿那些我们不可能雷同的人。

9 . You are warm and back lighting.你是温暖逆光而来。

10 . Boys,you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.你们必须努力寻找自己的声音,因为你越迟开始寻找,找到的可能性就越小。

11 . Death is. Nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. 死亡无所惧,但败而屈辱存活,则每日都是死亡。

12 . A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be。拥有朋友是最美好的一件事,成为别人的朋友是最美妙的一件事

13 . Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.真正的勇者不是没有恐惧,而是带着恐惧依然前行。

14 . Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. 别问国家能为你做什么,要问你能为国家做些什么。

15 . Most people discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.大多数人发现他们从未后悔的事情只是他们的错误,但发现时已经太晚了。

16 . There are rules to this way of life. And if you are not prepared live by them, then it's not the right life for you. 每种生活都有它自己的规矩。如果你不愿意守规矩,那么这种生活就不适合你。

17 . I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.我宁愿要无法回答的问题,也不要不能质疑的答案。

18 . Anger makes you stupid,stupid gets you killed. 愤怒会让你变愚蠢,而愚蠢会害死你自己。

19 . We all have our time machines, don't we? Those that take us back are memories. And those that carry us forward are dreams.我们都有时间机器,不是吗?那些带我们回去的是回忆,带我们前进的是梦想。

20 . You laugh at me for being different, but I laugh at you for being the same.你嘲笑我和别人不一样,我嘲笑你和大家都一样。


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