关于love live的说说(lovelive经典台词)

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1 . 活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,爱要爱得完整。

2 . 生活,一半是回忆,一半是继续。

3 . You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows.

4 . 你说你爱雨,但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞;

5 . 我喜欢你 哪怕你爱上了另一个她。

6 . There is no such thing as love at first sight or patience with growing love.

7 . 没有一见钟情的皮囊,也没有日渐生情的耐心。

8 . Every story has an ending. but in life, every end is a new beginning.

9 . 你说你爱太阳,但当它当空时你却看见了阳光下的暗影;

10 . 除了你,还有谁有资格在我心里走来走去。

11 . 我愿在你怀里成猫娇而不傲。

12 . 情话就是连自己都不相信的话 却希望别人相信 

13 . 哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。

14 . You will be strong enough to not kill you

15 . You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains.

16 . 没有什么能改变我对你的爱。

17 . Ordinary accompany the most reassuring, know you are the most warm. 

18 . 生命中无论快乐还是悲伤,终将随时光消失。

19 . 平凡的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。

20 . In addition to you,and who is eligible walked around in my heart. 


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