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1 . One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。

2 . You need to believe that someting extraordinary is possible...... 你需要去相信,生命中有些特别的东西,是可能存在的……

3 . 又饿了,果然漂亮不能当饭吃

4 . Friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. 真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。

5 . 你眼里有星星,而我是月亮。

6 . 一斤三块哦 甜过初恋 不甜不要钱

7 . You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. 有志者事竟成。有时虽然劳其筋骨,但是命运可以彻底改变。

8 . 你好,你让我心动了,请负责。

9 . 当我看到美男时请不要问我怎么怪怪的,我***模式已开启。

10 . Don't you lose your temper with that man.This his world.We just living in it. 别跟那个男人计较,有风度点,这是他的世界,我们要学会适应。

11 . 今天的风好像会说话,他对我说:头给你拧掉

12 . You played put your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite! I learned to live that way。 在有限的钢琴上,我自得其乐,我过惯那样的日子。

13 . 黑眼圈,是昨日心事的落款

14 . 你很难再遇到像,我这么可爱又有趣的人诶~

15 . 论喜欢你,我可是天下第一。

16 . 如果沉默是金,老娘岂不早已腰缠万贯?

17 . Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。

18 . A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. 人类一个简单的念头可以创造城市。一个念头可以改变世界。

19 . 人类真是可爱 问我晚上不睡觉在干嘛

20 . 我们不要见面了,洗头发很累,洗发水很贵。


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