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1 . 愿我努力精进,勤奋不懈;愿我有耐心能容忍并宽恕别人的过错,愿我能信守自己立下的诺言。

2 . Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the same under all circumstances, this is nobility.

3 . 固执某一件事物(或某种见解),而轻视其他事物(或见解)是卑鄙的,智者称它为「束缚」。

4 . One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I’ll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.

5 .  爱情最不可思议的是;即便他让你的心碎了一地,你却依然能捧着支离破碎的心去爱他。

6 . 2

7 . 人们爱戴忠於真理、态度良好、言而有信、对职位负责的人。

8 . He who sees other’s faults is ever irritable, the corruptions of such as one grows. He is far from the destruction of the corruptions.

9 .  用剩下四分之三的生命去爱值得你爱的人。

10 .  时间会改变很多东西,但不包括我对你的爱。

11 . 痛苦的根源来自私欲,无论企求快乐、报复,或只企求长寿,都会导致痛苦。

12 .  人心,有时候就是那么的小,小到装不下一句话,小到只能装下一个人。

13 .  她有离开我的胆量,我却没有忘记她的力量。

14 . 30、Make haste in doing good, restrain your mind from evil. Whosoever is slow in doing well, his mind delights in evil?

15 .  任何时候你都要相信,一个人的努力,完不成两个人的爱情。

16 . 世界变迁不已,并非是常久不变的。

17 .  八月该很好,如果你还在。

18 . 寻找别人过失,而且容易发怒的人,苦恼越来越多。离开没有烦恼的境界也越来越远。

19 . Let him be cordial in his ways and refined in conduct ; thereby full of joy he will make an end of ill.

20 . Do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay.


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