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1 . A person live in love,why reduced。一个人好好过,何苦在爱情里沦落。

2 . In fact, people who do not have high cold, but people are not warm you.其实根本没有高冷的人,只是人家暖的不是你。

3 . I do not have any special skill is the love you long time我没什么特长就是爱你时间特别长。

4 . It’s better to look at the sky than live there. 天空更适合仰望,而不是居住。

5 . While there is life there is hope。一息若存,希望不灭。

6 . Do not deceive me,you knew even if your lie I all can believe。不要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。

7 . Time it know my world there are no arrivals.时光它是否知道我的世界还有无来者。

8 . It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple. 快乐很简单,但要做到简单却很难。

9 . Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.谢谢你的微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。

10 . In fact I really miss some people,something of some time其实我很想念某些时候的某些人某些事...

11 . No measure of time with you will be long enough。和你在一起,天长地久都不够。

12 . The last part is probably the Duwusiren have changed.睹物思人的后半句大概是物是人非。

13 . Scenes do not say the words and reality a slap in the face rejection was more sober.说尽场面话都不及现实一个耳光甩得来得清醒。

14 . Bo desperately close to you that you want to know whether I favor in your heart.不顾一切靠近你博你欢心想知道我是否在你心里。

15 . My loneliness is a mirror, I can not speak but has no expression.我的孤独是一面镜子,不会说话却拥有我任何表情。

16 . The world’s lingering,the end is still no match for the forget the bitter oligonucleotide soup。几世的缠绵,终还是敌不过那苦涩寡汤的忘却。

17 . You will see exactly what life is worth, when all the rest has gone. 当一切都消失的时候你会明白生命究竟有何价值。

18 . Even if I do not contact you, you can not casually Xiaxiang.哪怕我不联系你你也不能胡乱瞎想。

19 . I want someone whos afraid of losing me 我希望找到一个担心失去我的人。

20 . My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。


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