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1 . 抬头,微笑,告诉自己加油!

2 .  play a big knife before Guan Gong 关公面前耍大刀

3 . Believe that you will have a brilliant day.

4 . 一生得此一人,不易,彼此相爱到老,不腻。 

5 . 你要尝试走一个人的路,享受一个人的时光。

6 . 相信自己 一定会有辉煌的一天。

7 . 遇见难免走散,相逢未必相拥。

8 . 人在最好的时光,总会犯上一些痴,一些傻。

9 . 人生一世,草木一秋,皆是过程。美与可爱,有心皆懂。

10 . Born with pride and ambition , but also leave it in the bottom of my heart .

11 . 人的一生注定会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月。

12 . 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。  

13 . For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.

14 . Many people refuse to love anything because they are afraid to lose what they could love。

15 . 成熟的人需要面具。戴上,坚强面对社会;摘下,温柔面对家人。

16 .  Dangqi dream , I have the power.荡起梦想,我有力量

17 . A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything .

18 .  One car come, one car go, two car pengpeng, one car died! (关于一场车祸的描述)

19 . Everyone gets tired.No one can take the pain for you. You have to go through it and grow up. 

20 .  One day is your teacher, day day is your father.一日为师终身为父。


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