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1 . There is no such thing as love at first sight or patience with growing love.

2 . 只为你盈盈一笑

3 . 平凡的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。

4 . I like you,but just I like you.

5 . Love,

6 . without you

7 .  Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us. 生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在.

8 . 你好好珍惜我,我好好把握你。

9 . Youth is like a sudden downpour - even though you caught a cold, you'd still go back and get caught in it again.青春是一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。

10 . 想要帮助自己,必须直面真正的自己。

11 . You treasure me and I love you. 

12 . then I wish we had never encountered?

13 . It's kind of wonderful feeling that a stranger he used to be suddenly becomes the whole world of mine.很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生人,突然之间成为了我的整个世界。

14 . 很多时候,我们想要的只是一个肯定的眼神和一颗理解的心。两个人在一起,是要相互扶持依靠的,所以在一起日子应该会变轻松一点,温暖一点。 ​​​​

15 . 风月入我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。

16 . Want to say sorry to myself, once loved others loved and forgot to love myself.想要对自己说声对不起,曾经爱别人爱的忘记了爱自己。

17 . 生命中无论快乐还是悲伤,终将随时光消失。

18 .  The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.事实是,每个人最终都会伤害你,你只是需要找到那个值得你去承受这一切的人.

19 . 宇宙、山河、浪漫,你皆值得前进。

20 . you cannot disappear from my world.


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