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1 . When a man speaks or acts with good intention. Then happiness follows him like his shadow that never leaves him.

2 . 吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我心中最好的死党。

3 . 我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。    

4 . 在我们相聚的日子里,有着最珍惜的情谊,在我们年轻的岁月中,有着最真挚的相知,这份缘值得我们珍惜。

5 .  地球是运动的,一个人不可能永远处在倒霉的位置上。

6 . 愿我能坚决勇敢,有毅力和恒心。愿我能仁慈、友善、富有同情心。愿我能谦卑、宁静、沉着、安详。愿我能迈向完美的道路,而且能完善地服务别人。

7 . 对人对己,如果你能“说到做到”,那么就会少掉一大半的烦恼。 ​​​​

8 .  最辛苦的不是两地相隔,而是明明相爱,却不敢想未来。

9 . 痛苦的根源来自私欲,无论企求快乐、报复,或只企求长寿,都会导致痛苦。

10 . 来也匆匆,去也匆匆,离绪千种,期待着一次重逢。

11 .  我愿长年地守望你,熟悉你的潮汐变幻,了解你的每一拍波涛。我将尝试着同时去爱你那忧郁沉静的蓝和纯洁明亮的白——甚至风雨之夕的灰浊。

12 . 人生本来就没有相欠,别人对你付出,是因为别人喜欢,你对别人付出,是因为自己甘愿。情出自愿,事过无悔。 ​​​​

13 . 毕业那天,你像往常一样跟我道别。多年以后,我才明白:那天与我道别的,是青春。

14 . Do not believe what is passed from mouth; Do not believe rumors ; Do not believe the infallibility of texts.

15 .  你还要怎样更好的世界?树在。山在。大地在。岁月在。我在。

16 . 30、Make haste in doing good, restrain your mind from evil. Whosoever is slow in doing well, his mind delights in evil?

17 . May I be firm and resolute! May I be kind, compassionate, and friendly! May I be humble, calm, quiet, unruffled and serene! May I serve to be perfect! May I be perfect to serve!

18 . The wise man builds no hopes for the future, entertains no regrets for the past.

19 . All desires have in them little pleasant taste but rather much potential suffering.

20 . Those who adhere to the principles of wisdom, have right attitudes, and true to their words and discharge their duties with responsibility are loved by people.


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