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1 . 我在想你,表面不露痕迹,心里不留余地。I'm thinking of you with the surface is not visible, but heart leave no room.

2 . 深情从来都只有被辜负,只有薄情才会被记住。    

3 . 以后呀,我们要是有幸在一起了,我们家务活一定要分工明确,你收拾屋子,我收拾你。 ​​​​

4 . 他长得不帅,只是恰好长成了我喜欢的模样。    

5 . 我只爱对你发脾气,因为我潜意识相信你不会离开我,胡闹原来是一种依赖。 ​​​​

6 . 但愿有人看透你的逞强,给你一个最温暖的怀抱。 I wish someone could see your braveness,And give you the warmest embrace.

7 . 爱情无非就两种结果,要么,各回各家,要么,***变我妈。    

8 . 所有幸运和巧合的事,要么是上天注定,要么是一个人偷偷的在努力。All lucky and coincidental things are either doomed to be or someone is secretly working hard.

9 . 当我们懂得幸福的时候,那是因为我们懂得了珍惜。When we understand happiness, it is because we know how to value.

10 . 任何东西只要足够迷惑你,就足以毁了你,心软是病,情深致命。If anything is enough to confuse you, it will be enough to destroy you.

11 . 我想要的爱情很简单。我说话时,你会听;我需要时,你会在;我转身时,你还在,这就够了。    

12 . 我爱你,爱在有生之年,心死之前。    

13 . 一女生暗恋班上一男生,男生地理很好,女生地理很弱。有一天,女生鼓起勇气问男生:你帮我补地理好不好。男生悠悠地看了她一眼,淡淡道:一个家里不用两个人地理都好的。    

14 . 有些风景,一旦入眼入心,即便刹那,也是永恒。some scenery, once to see into the heart, even in the moment, is eternal.

15 . 爱你,不是一朝一夕,而是朝朝暮暮,无数次日起日落,目光所及之处,脑海里全是你。

16 . 我不敢说我是世界上最爱你的人,但我敢说你是我最用心爱的人。 ​​

17 . 尽管眼下十分艰难,可日后这段经历说不定就会开花结果。Hard as it is now, the experience may blossom and bear fruit in the future.

18 . This is the way I am. I treat well those who treat me well. 我就是这么一个人,谁对我好我就对谁好。

19 . 世界上最幸福的一件事就是当你拥抱一个你爱的人时他竟然把你抱得更紧。The happiest thing in the world is he hugs you more tightly than you do when you hug him.

20 . 舍不得丢掉残留的温度,却忘了伤疤还在痛。Reluctant to lose residual temperature, forgetting the scar is still in pain.


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