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1 . 套路是我学的,但撩你是真心的。I learned the routine, but you are sincere.

2 . If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose. Otherwise you're just not worth forgiving. 你想要做坏人,就得坏得有目的。否则你就不值得原谅。

3 . God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away. 上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪。死亡不再有,也不再有悲伤和生死离别,不再有痛苦,因往事已矣。

4 . You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice. 从一个人的声音可以知道他是怎样的人.

5 .  不是在最好的时光遇见了你们,而是有你们在,我才有了最好的时光。

6 . 我想和你在一起,却也只是想想而已了。I want to be with you, but I just think about it.

7 . 微笑并不总是说明你是快乐的,有的时候,它只说明你是很坚强。    

8 .  我们不能一起出生,但是我们可以一起祸害苍生。

9 . 有时,坚强的内心,往往会被一句简单的安慰打败,然后泪流满面。   下一秒,青春的岁月里,我遇到了爱我的你们,时光总是短暂的,我们在温暖的阳光下吃着冰糕,我们一起说说笑笑,我们一起听着那首滚瓜烂熟的曲子,我们高声大喊着:我们要一直快乐下去,然后像个傻瓜一样牵着手相视而笑。

10 . 成熟的最大好处是:以前得不到的东西,现在不想要了。The greatest advantage of maturity is that you don't want what you didn't get before.

11 . first my gaze toward the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch. “我本一心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠”

12 .  我会在你伤心的时候陪你一起伤心,原谅我这人比较笨,不懂得安慰别人,不懂得让人开心,只好陪你一起哭,因为我把你当姐妹。

13 . 除了你,我什么都不缺。have everything what want except you

14 . 有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了!Some people can not say where good, but who can not replace it!

15 . Success is waking up in the morning,so excited about what you have to do. 成功是清晨醒来,对自己的人生充满期待;

16 . 不要对我太好,我怕有一天我会戒不掉。Don't be so good to me, I'm afraid I won't be able to quit one day.

17 . 不要放弃任何人,奇迹每天都会发生。Don't give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day.

18 . Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you? 为什么留恋一个不爱你的人?

19 . 爱不需要言语,即使在远方,也能感受到。Love needs no words, even in the distance, it can be felt.

20 .  你信不信有一种感情,一辈子都不会输给时间?


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