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1 .  才子佳人自绝配,一袭红罗霓裳衫,羞得百花皆愧。娘子新嫁有情郎,绛衣罗绮美红妆。

2 .  清梦浮嫣,细柳芳年,青花为美,忆守妆奁。

3 .  车门焊死都不能下车,谁下车睡十个狗。

4 .  向阳花木易为春,听说你爱蔡徐坤。

5 . 就算你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛来拥抱你。If you were a cactus,I'd endure all the pain just to hug you. 

6 . 因为无能为力,所以顺其自然。因为心无所恃,所以随遇而安。Because there is nothing to do, let it be. Because the heart has nothing to depend on, so be at ease with circumstances.

7 .  你一定会遇到一个不管你怎样都不会爱你的人,也一定会遇到一个不管你怎样都会爱你的人。

8 . 就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒。Even if the world is deserted, there will always be someone who will be your follower.

9 .  越活越不像自己了,像迪丽热巴。

10 . 我来不及认真地年轻,待明白过来时,只能选择认真地老去。I had no time to seriously young, to be understood, can only choose carefully old。

11 . 努力的时间都不够,哪有时间去绝望啊。Not enough time to work hard,There's no time to despair.

12 .  青眉敛,翠黛低,偷拭清珠,凝睇俏语嫣然。

13 . 每个人都会累,没有人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总是要学会自己长大。Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness for you, people always have to learn to grow up.

14 .  我是一个喜欢念旧却不敢回头的人。

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17 .  你是我始料未及的浮屠三生,我愿是你的知更。

18 . 心甘情愿才能理所当然,理所当然才会义无反顾。Willingness is the only way to take it for granted, and righteousness is the only way to take it for granted.

19 . 别将过去抱的太紧,因为那样你就腾不出手来拥抱现在了。早安!Don't hold the past too tight, because you have not make moves to embrace now。Good morning!

20 . 无论生活怎样,都不要忘记微笑。愿你成为自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光。No matter what life is like, don't forget to smile. May you be your own sun, without whose light you need.


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