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1 . 自拍不存在 美食照就一堆。

2 . 趁现在还来得及,我想看清楚自己。

3 . 你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守侯,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。

4 . 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。

5 . 孤独是一个很可怕的东西,孤独久了,连自己的仇人也想见一面。

6 .  No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune, it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness. Even if the happiness is short and false, it's enough to light up the whole future life.

7 .  Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.

8 . 无论命运以怎样残忍的方式赐予一个人以磨难和不幸,但仍会相应地赐予他幸福与甜蜜,即使这幸福是如此短暂与不真实,也足以照亮他今后整个暗淡的人生。

9 . 学着看淡一些事情,才是对自己最好的保护。

10 .  The furthest distance in the world. Is not being apart while being in love. But when plainly cannot resist the yearning. Yet pretending you have never been in my heart.

11 . 铁了心要上进的人,就铁了心不顾家了。

12 . 其患得患失的喜欢你,不如干干净净的做自己。

13 . 我只希望这个世界可以很小很小 小到我一转身便可以看见你

14 .  You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sang for you.

15 .  A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.

16 . 减什么肥 我又不是吃不起。

17 . 有时候,不小心知道了一些事,才发现自己所在乎的事是那么可笑。

18 . 所有的心酸与不甘到最后都要笑着接受。

19 . 快乐的时候,你听的是音乐。难过的时候,你开始懂得了歌词。

20 . 不管多痛,都会笑着说不疼,因为再痛也没人心疼,习惯了隐藏,所以总是笑得没心没肺,日子久了,笑成为了习惯,痛也成为了习惯。


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