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1 . Worry is a waste of time, it will not change anything, can only spoil your head, and steal your happiness.忧虑就是浪费时间,它不会改变任何事,只能搅乱你的脑袋,偷走你的快乐。

2 . I didn’t miss only tube would I want to TianYa want to cape.我没有留恋,仅管我会想去天崖想去海角。

3 . Life had a lot of things is futile, but we still want to experience.人生本来有很多事是徒劳无功的,但我们还是依然要经历。

4 .  Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.~Kurt Vonnegut 笑与泪都是失落疲惫的反应.我个人比较倾向于笑, 因为至少后面的清洁工作要少点.

5 . A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, butwill stick around.如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。

6 . live life to its fullest, because you only get one go at it. 充分的生活,因为你只有一次。

7 .  You are at a wonderful stage of life.You have many wonderful stages of life yet to come,but they are not without their costs and perils. 你正处在人生一个美妙的阶段。还有很多美妙的阶段会来到你面前,但是都不是唾手可得的,你都得付出代价,经历风险。

8 . Sometimes, the hardest thing to let go off is something you never really had.有时候,最难放下的是一些你从没真正拥有过的事。

9 . ​

10 . Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell. 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞翔,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。

11 .  Goals give purpose.purpose gives faith.Faith gives courage.Courage gives enthusiasm.Enthusiasm gives energy.Energy gives life.Life lifts you over the bar. 目标给出方向,方向产生信念,信念激发勇气,勇气滋生热情,热情迸发能量,能量孕育生命,生命让你越过障碍。

12 .  Loneliness is a beautiful thought, and only in the thinking of the time, it looked so beautiful and lonely. 思念是一种美丽的孤独,也只有在思念的时候,孤独才显得如此美丽。

13 . Every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

14 . To the time to life, rather than to life in time to the time to life, rather than to life in time.给时光以生命,而不是给生命以时光。

15 . Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go, but rather learning to start over. 有时,最困难的不是放手,而是学着如何开始。

16 .  I miss you when I’m depressed, just as I miss the sunshine in the winter; I miss you when I’m irritable, just as I miss the green shade in the blazing sun. 忧愁的时候,我想念你,就如同凛冽冬日里想念暖阳;烦躁的时候,我想念你,就如同炎炎烈日下想念绿荫。

17 . We say that you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, but you just thought you'd never lose it.我们会说,直到失去了你才会知道拥有过什么。事实上,你一直知道你拥有什么,只是你以为你永远不会失去它。

18 . Pain never really goes away; you just elevate and get used to it by growing stronger. 疼痛永远不会消失,只是你自己努力坚强地去习惯了它。

19 . Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.向外看的人,有梦;向内看的人,清醒。

20 . Don’t patronize others and take the wrong steps under your own feet. 不要光顾着看别人,走错了自己脚下的路。


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