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1 . 有些人不属于你,但遇见了也挺好。

2 . ​

3 .  很多时候,一个人的改变是从另一个人的到来或离去开始的。In many cases, a person's change from another person's arrival or departure.

4 . 十二月你好!也许我是个坏人,不过只要你的轻轻一吻,我就变成了一个好人。

5 . 不用每日缠绵,时刻联系,你知道他不会走,他知道你不会变,大概就是最美好的爱情吧。

6 .  谁伤害过你,谁击溃过你,都不重要。重要的是谁让你重现笑容!Who hurt you, who defeated you, it doesn't matter. Who is important to let you again smile.

7 .  当你觉得孤独无助时,想一想还有几十万亿的细胞只为你一个人而活When you feel lonely and helpless, think there are hundreds of thousands of billions of cells a person to live for you.

8 . 你刚好成熟,我刚好温柔,最好的年纪遇到最对的人才是最美的童话。

9 .  心态决定情绪,情绪决定心情,心情决定心境,心境决定生活。Mentality decided to emotions, emotions decided the mood, the mood decided to mood, mood decided to life.

10 .  很多事,唯有当距离渐远的时候,才能回首看清它A lot of things, but only when the distance away, to look back to see it.

11 . 过去事,过去心,无可记得;现在事,现在心,随缘即可;未来事,未来心,何必劳心。

12 . 十二月你好!与我捻熄灯,同我书半生。问我粥可温,同我立黄昏。

13 .  我想我还是不够成熟,没办法为自己那颗浮躁的心,波澜不惊地掌舵I don't think I'm still not mature enough, can the heart blundering, for himself off peacefully at the helm.

14 . 我愿意一个人做你的千军万马,放下傲骨的模样,牵你手做你的英雄,从此以后,你不用独当一面,因为我是你的四面八方。

15 .  风没有方向的吹来,雨也跟着悲伤起来,没有人能告诉我,爱是在什么时候悄悄走开No direction the wind blows, the rain also follow sad, no one can tell me, when love is quietly go away.

16 . 渔船孤灯,寒风彻骨,冰冷不及你言语半分。

17 . 我自以为的了解我自以为的信任我自以为的足够爱。但是给了他背叛我的理由

18 . 这个世界上任何东西都会被时间涂抹更改,但,有你在,我便也在。

19 .  要么没有,要么全部。要么现在,要么永不。All or nothing, now or never.

20 .  时间送达不到的安慰,该带着心去找谁。Time served less than comfort, whom took the heart to turn to.


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