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1 . 愿所有的人都幸福安宁,内心满足!

2 . He who has tasted the sweetness of solitude and tranquility becomes free from fear and free from sin.

3 . 带上你的全名备注,滚回你的大众分组。    

4 . 不是每段故事都有后来,更多的是无疾而终。    

5 . 愿往后的日子里 暴富暴美

6 . Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. 不断尝试的人才能取得成功并且保持成功。

7 . 要是你老是认为自己配不上一个更好的人 那么 你也永远无法成为一个更好甚至最好的自己

8 . May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!

9 . For a gallant spirit there can never be defeat. 勇敢的灵魂,永不言败。

10 . What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. 你今天的付出会让你所有的明天都更好。

11 . 当一个人的言谈和举止怀着良善动机,快乐便像影子般地跟随他。

12 . 相遇总是猝不及防,离别多是蓄谋已久。    

13 . 青春的风,炫丽飞扬;青春的路,光明辉煌;青春的心,快乐疯狂;青春的天,灿烂晴朗。感谢有您,让我们的青春如此幸福安详。教师节,祝您快乐健康!

14 . The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.

15 . 教书匠,备课忙,耕不辍,解迷惑,驱彷徨,学识涨,书声朗,成绩强,桃李香,美名扬,节日档,送吉祥,幸福淌,体安康,寿无疆,教师节,喜洋洋。

16 . A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence. 河流可以切碎岩石,并非因其力大无穷,乃是因为坚持不懈。

17 . 人活着,发自己的光就好了,没必要掐灭别人的光

18 . 尊敬的老师,百花沐浴阳光齐盛开,草儿喝水绿油油!您是一盏明灯,为我指明了知识的方向;教师节到了,送上祝福,祝您教师节快乐!

19 . To be attached to one thing (to a certain view) and to look down upon other thing (views) as inferior--this wise men call a fetter.

20 . 天气好时去见你 ,天气不好时带上伞去见你。


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