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1 . 没关系 这次也会熬过去的 像以往无数次那样。It doesn't matter, this time it will be the past, as many times as before. ​​​​

2 . 差点以为你已经是我的了,可是最后我们却分手了。I almost thought you were mine, but in the end we broke up. ​​​​

3 . 你伤我如此之深,我心里却全是你的甜言蜜语。

4 . 承诺再美,也经不起时间的改变。

5 . 我本无意爱你,如今忘不掉你。I have no intention to fall in love with you, but now I cannot kick you out of my memory. ​​​​

6 . 青春本来就是,马不停蹄的相遇和错过。Youth is in itself, The horse never stops to meet and miss. ​​​​

7 . 你无法接受别人,也无法接受他接受别人。你像是欠了巨债的赌徒,想用自己仅有的卑微赌他回头。

8 . 我在想你,表面不露痕迹,心里不留余地。I'm thinking of you with the surface is not visible, but heart leave no room. ​​​​

9 .  Real success is not about how much money you make or how famous you get. Rather, it’s about being the best of yourself.---真正的成功不是说你能赚多少钱或你能出多大名,而是能做最好的自己。

10 . The happiest thing in life is that you have someone who wonders where you are when you don’t come home at night.----人生最快乐的就是,晚上没回家时,会有那么一个人还在牵挂着你。

11 . 在所有你想珍惜的关系里,问心无愧就好。

12 . 爱情不过是寂寞时扯把美丽的犊子。

13 . 把别人看得太重,结果却被别人看成什么都不是。    

14 .  The wise man lays down burdens to continue forward. The stupid man lays down burdens as well as their hopes. It is an attitude to pleasure how to lay down the burdens.---智者把放下当前进,愚者把放下当绝望,其实放下的高度,就是快乐的程度。 

15 . 我想你的时候,你会像鬼一样出现,要是那样就好了。    

16 . 感情走到尽头的时候,分手的理由似乎都是不合适。

17 . 你说要用一生一世去爱我,可是你的一生实在是太短了,短到我都不曾感到开始过。

18 . 再也看不到彼此的模样,就连你是否安好都难以想象。

19 . 比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship. ​​​​

20 . 有时候,音乐是陪我熬过那些夜晚的唯一朋友。    


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