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1 . Love who you wanna love. Be who you wanna be. 爱你想爱的人,成为你想成为的自己。

2 . 无论多少岁,什么身份,都配得上五彩缤纷的生活。记得永远保有对生活热情、对生命负责的心态。

3 . Has such reason to enable me to be possible to forget you?有没有那么一个理由让我可以忘记你?

4 .  You don't know how long I've waited for you. I'd rather die than stay away from you你不知道,等了你有多久。所以,宁可死别,绝不生离。

5 . 用顶风迎雨的态度,过随遇而安的生活。

6 . When I’m with you, I forget the world for a while.和你一起时,总会暂时忘记整个世界。

7 .  I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling is the moment that you realize you've lost yourself.我一直认为世界上最悲伤的是失去你深爱的人,但我错了。世界上最悲伤的是你意识到迷失了自我。

8 . I want you... no secrets... no games.我想要你,没有秘密,不是游戏。

9 . The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing. 真正的快乐在于发现,而非知道。

10 .  Say goodbye and never see don't cheap.说声再见再也不见也别贱.

11 . Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way. 生活不是一场赛跑,而是每一步都应该细细品尝的人生旅程。

12 .  Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.做你自己,因为别人都有人做了。

13 . 坚定的人,懂得在听不到赞美和肯定的时候,多爱自己一点。 ​​​​

14 . 愿你过得好,祝我也顺心,不谈亏欠,谢谢曾遇见。

15 . 生命中没有四时不变的风景,只要心永远朝着阳光,你就会发现,每一束阳光都闪着希望的光芒。

16 .  When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what would calls a romance. 爱,始于自我欺骗,终于欺骗他人。这就是所谓的浪漫。 

17 .  You are the only exception.你是唯一的例外。

18 . Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。

19 . 勇敢的面对阳光,阴影自然都在身后。    

20 .  I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments.我喜欢自言自语,因为这样节约时间,而且不会有人跟我争论。


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