
首页说说励志说说更新时间:2023-09-05 12:53:54

1 .  Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy. 生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。

2 .  你可以随时转身,但不能一直后退。

3 .  Everyday starts with some expectations but ends with some experiences. 每一天都以许下希望开始,以收获经验结束。

4 .  Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger. 与其祈求生活平淡点,还不如祈求自己强大点。

5 .  Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you’re wrong. It’s not giving up. It’s called growing up.有时候,你需要做的就是闭嘴,放下所谓的自尊,承认自己的错误。这不叫放弃,而叫成长。

6 .  终有一天,你一定会很棒。

7 .  If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done. 如果你想要你从未拥有过的东西,那么你必须去做你从未做过的事。

8 .  What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life. 希望对于生活的意义,就像氧气对肺那样那样的重要。

9 .  Never get stuck with the thing that ruins your day. Stay upbeat and be happy; for life is too short to be wasted on crap.不要让不好的事情毁了你这一天,乐观一点,开心一点,生命如此短暂,别浪费时间在不值一提的事情上。

10 .  Life is full of trial and error. One failure doesn't mean you're out of the picture. 人生充满了尝试与错误。一次失败不代表你就出局了。

11 .  等你变优秀你所喜爱的东西都会回来找你。

12 .  以岁月的名义,照亮你体内小小的倔强和忧郁。

13 . ​

14 .  Love comes fast. You either risk it, or you regret it. 爱情来得如此之快。你要么冒险一搏,要么遗憾一生。

15 .  姑娘,好好的活下去,活给那些瞧不起你的人看着。

16 .  You can learn from people, and educate others, but the only one you can change is yourself.你可以学习别人,也可以教育别人, 但是你唯一可以改变的人,是你自己。

17 .  不肯寄人篱下所以只能拼。

18 .  Let us treasure every day in our life, because the beginning of a day will be the first day in our remaining life. 我们要学会珍惜生活的每一天,因为这每一天的开始,都将是我们余下生命之中的第一天。

19 .  成功的人影响别人,失败的人被人影响。

20 .  实现自己既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。


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