1 . 我在想你,表面不露痕迹,心里不留余地。I'm thinking of you with the surface is not visible, but heart leave no room.
2 . 可以不吃,但是不可以不买。
3 . 坏的不够彻底,善良的不够纯粹,所以你才痛苦。You are not too bad nor be kind purely , so you are suffering.
4 . 男朋友是用来干嘛的?就是逛街帮忙提衣服的。
5 . 我和闺蜜在一起,最爱的事就是逛街了。
6 . 每天都那么悠闲,喝下午茶的时间不忘记,逛街不忘记,晚上吃宵夜不忘记,玩乐不会忘记,到最后却忘记了自己。
7 . 万物想你不及我心念你,万物喜你不及我心悦你。All things think you less than my heart you, all things happy you less than my heart joy you
8 . 做不到所有人满意,也不怕全世界对我开枪。I can't get everyone satisfied, and I'm not afraid the world will shoot me.
9 . 和好朋友一起逛街真开心,久违的幸福。
10 . 世界上最幸福的一件事就是当你拥抱一个你爱的人时他竟然把你抱得更紧。The happiest thing in the world is he hugs you more tightly than you do when you hug him.
11 . 你不用分清东南西北,只需要走向有我的方向。You don't have to divide all directions,you just need to go in my direction.
12 . 世界这么大,我要出去给人看看
13 . 任何东西只要足够迷惑你,就足以毁了你,心软是病,情深致命。If anything is enough to confuse you, it will be enough to destroy you.
14 . 一天不逛街,就心里痒痒呢。
15 . 我要赚更多的钱,买更多的东西。
16 . 女人大概就是天生爱逛街吧。
17 . 有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事。Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry.
18 . 心中有座城,城里住着疼。A city in my heart, and in the city lived the pain.
19 . Don't make the choice if you dislike, once you make the decision, please hold on. 不喜欢就不要选择,选择了就要坚持。
20 . 爱情本没有尽头,奈何现实终止了爱情。Love has no end, but the reality has ended love.