
首页说说心情说说更新时间:2024-05-24 12:59:13

1 . 你可以一辈子不登山,但你心中一定要有座山。它使你总往高处爬,它使你总有个奋斗的方向,它使你任何一刻抬起头,都能看到自己的希望。

2 .  The unexamined life is not worth living.

3 . 只要心中的风景不凋零,即使在严寒的冬季,生命的叶子也不会枯黄腐烂。

4 . 高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。

5 . 成功就是坚持自己所坚持的,努力自己所努力的!不论遇到好事还是坏事,苦难还是诱惑,只要记住四个字“不忘初心”。

6 . 没有面对困难的勇气,也就没有享受快乐的权利。

7 .  The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.

8 . ​

9 . 这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。

10 .  When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man。

11 .  You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.

12 .  Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

13 . 另一个人的幸福对你自己的幸福至关重要,这就是爱。

14 . 人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。

15 .  It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

16 . 未经审视的人生不值得度过。

17 .  Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school.

18 . 就让我们把失败当作口香糖来咀嚼吧,这样我们终会从中体验到不同的滋味,同时,我们的内心也像我们的牙齿一样得到净化。

19 .  Countless choices define our fate, each choice, each moment, a ripple in a river of time. Enough ripples and you change the tide, for the future is never truly set.

20 . 当一个人无法选择时,他不再是一个人。


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