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抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠

 If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠,我就不能保护你;但,如果我拥有王冠,我就不能拥抱你。

抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠


抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠

 If you were a cactus,I'd endure all the pain just to hug you. 就算你是一个仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛来拥抱你。

抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠抽象头像图片唯美: If I am not the crown, I can't protect you; If I have the crown, I can't hug you. 如果我没有王冠

 You're throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西。


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