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和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量

Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量,它会将人逼至意想不到的境地。

和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量

There can be too much truth in any relationships. 人与人之间,实话说得太多也会物极必反。

和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量

You are no different to the rest of us, remember that. 记住这点:你和别人没有任何不同。

和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量和平精英很酷的头像男生:Never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place. 永远都不要低估罪恶的力量

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。


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