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lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角

 Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角,我想守护你。

lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角

 No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。

lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角

 You are sunshine,Is my distantlight.你是我的太阳,是我遥不可及的光。

lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角lmz头像: Even the remotest corners of the globe, I want to have you. 哪怕天涯海角

 In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。


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