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有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白

 As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白,唯一后悔的只是那些自己不曾尝试的事。

有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白

 We say that you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, but you just thought you'd never lose it.我们会说,直到失去了你才会知道拥有过什么。事实上,你一直知道你拥有什么,只是你以为你永远不会失去它。

有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白

 Stop judging others by what you see. Because, what you see is what they want you to see。不要以你所见去评判别人。因为,你看见的,只是他们想让你看到的。

有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白有意思的群头像男生: As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do.成长会让人明白

 Time is a versatile performer. It flies, marches on, heals all wounds, runs out and will tell. 时间是个多才多艺的表演者。它能展翅飞翔,能阔步前进,能治愈创伤,能消逝而去,也能揭示真相。


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