
首页常识更新时间:2023-01-12 06:26:07

No nurse wants to be the cause of a fatal medication error, yet every shift we give medicines that are considered high-risk.


The report prepared by the Quality Use of Medicines and Pharmacy Research Centre (Roughead, Semple & Rosenfeld 2013) has recognised the significant danger that a few groups of medications pose. The acronym APINCH is designed to serve as a reminder that even routinely administered medicines pose a high risk to patient safety.



A – Anti-infectives


P – Potassium and other electrolytes


I – Insulin


N – Narcotics and other sedatives


C – Chemotherapeutic agents


H – Heparin and other anticoagulants


High Risk Medication Errors


High risk medications are those that have a high chance of causing harm if they are misused or used in error. They are generally medicines with a narrow therapeutic index. This means that the difference between a medicine’s desired effect (efficacy) and a lethal or toxic dose (potency) is very small. In other words, a small increase in the medicine’s concentration in the body could lead to toxic levels and fatal consequences (Roughead, Semple & Rosenfeld 2013).


Can you guess what some of these high risk medications are? You’ve probably given at least five of the six medicine classes today.


Medication errors can drive nurses to feelings of guilt, and sometimes worse. However, nurses are human, and medication errors can happen. We have a responsibility to find ways of minimising them though, to keep our patients safe.


Medication errors can happen anywhere along the chain of the process. Errors can occur with prescribing, documenting, transcribing, dispensing, administering and monitoring. At all these points along the chain, a nurse has to step in and double-check that everyone, from the doctor to the pharmacist, performed their job correctly. A nurse also has to double-check themselves. With all of this responsibility falling to one person, it is no wonder that errors happen.


Ordering the wrong medicine accounts for almost half of all medication errors. It is when the error comes all the way to administration that the most harm occurs. Administration errors are the only ones that no-one else can fix. Nurses have to find better ways of streamlining their process and handling medications safely.



S —Simplify the regimen 简化服药方案(比如调整服药时间,剂量和频率,以便更容易养成服药习惯)

I —Impart knowledge 传递知识(比如分发有关用药或关于健康状况的书面资料)

M —Modify patient beliefs and behaviors 改变患者的信念和行为(比如评估坚持服药的好处及会遇到的阻碍)

P —Provide communication and trust 提供沟通和信任(比如积极倾听患者声音)

L —Leave the bias 摒弃偏见(比如调整教育到患者能理解的水平)

E —Evaluate adherence 坚持评估(比如跟进患者确保他们服药)

Most nurses have been taught the 8 Rights of Medication Administration, but here is a refresher:


1、Right Patient – use the three national patient identifiers to ensure that you are giving the medication to the patient it is intended for. Ask the patient to tell you their name while you check their unit record number (URN) and verify their date of birth. Then check the patient history you have matches the URN on their wrist.


2、Right Medication --- check that the medication you are giving is the one that was actually ordered.


3、Right Dose – check that the order is appropriate for the patient. Too much or too little of a properly ordered medication can still cause issues for the patient.


4、Right Route – when checking the medication, it is important to determine whether you are giving the medication by the correct route. It is important to check that the order meets these requirements as well, and that the route is appropriate.


5、Right Time – ensure that you are giving the medication at the right time and that two dosages are not stacking up on one another.


6、Right Documentation – you should also check that you are properly documenting the medication, including the time, dosage, and route, so that you have proof of what you gave to the patient should there be a bad reaction.


7、Right Reason – you should also make sure that the medication is being given for the right reason. Does it make sense that you are giving this medication at this dosage?


8、Right Response – finally, check that the patient has had the correct and intended response to the medicine. For example, if you gave a beta-blocker to your patient with hypertension, check the patient later to determine if the blood pressure did, indeed, decrease.


A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2010 showed that nurses who were interrupted in the administration of medications had a 21.1 per cent increase in errors. This leads the study to propose a “sterile hour” in which nurses could administer medications and not be interrupted. Although this is a great idea in theory, many times nurses are interrupted because patients become critical or a doctor has returned a phone call (Pallarito 2010).


If you have been interrupted, come back to your medication round with the mind frame that you need to be much more careful. By identifying this time period as one that causes an increase in medication errors, a nurse can focus more acutely at these times to ensure they does not make an error. Giving nurses an hour or more to safely administer medications may not work in reality, but becoming aware of interruptions and taking measures to return to the medication round safely can help reduce medication errors in this critical time period.




There needs to be timely and appropriate monitoring of aminoglycoside antibiotics. For example, gentamicin courses that continue for longer than 72 hours; not acting on a toxic concentration result could lead to renal impairment and toxicity, and not acting on a sub-therapeutic result could lead to ineffective antibiotic treatment (Therapeutic Guidelines 2014).


Potassium and Other Electrolytes


Errors in the intravenous administration of potassium chloride are fatal and well publicised, yet continue to exist. For example, hyperkalaemia-induced cardiac arrest caused by the administration of an ampoule of potassium chloride instead of normal saline to flush a cannula, led to the death of a woman (Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care 2003).




An order for HumalogMix25 is received, but inadvertently Humalog is given. The result is that the patient is given a rapid-acting insulin instead of the combination rapid and intermediate-acting insulin. The patient becomes hypoglycaemic with a blood glucose level of 2.1mmol/L. Confusion between insulin agents that are similar in name, yet have significantly different results, is likely to lead to serious harm, especially if high doses are administered (Dunning et al. 2012).

因一时大意错把注射优泌乐预混25(精蛋白锌重组赖脯胰岛素混合注射液(25R))的医嘱执行为注射优泌乐,结果给病人服用速效胰岛素,而不是中长效混合胰岛素,导致患者的血糖2.1mmol/L。不注意辨别胰岛素的制剂会导致明显不同的结果,很可能造成严重的伤害,特别是在高剂量给药的情况下。(Dunning et al.2012)

Narcotics and Other Sedatives


The death of a 70-year-old woman occurred after a heat pad was applied over the site of a fentanyl patch, which was also the site of her pain. Her death was found to be due to the increased absorption of fentanyl caused by the heat pad. In addition, the likely application of a second patch without removing the first contributed to her death (New South Wales Therapeutic Advisory Group 2006).


Chemotherapeutic Agents


Methotrexate, a folic acid inhibitor, is commonly used in the treatment of autoimmune conditions in addition to its use as a chemotherapy agent. When used in the treatment of autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, the medicine is given once weekly. A number of deaths have been attributed to methotrexate toxicity when patients have been incorrectly prescribed or dispensed methotrexate on a daily rather than weekly basis (Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada 2008).


Heparin and Other Anticoagulants


The failure to prescribe and administer appropriate anticoagulants has been recognised as a cause of adverse events relating to anticoagulant use. Nurses are in a position to identify patients who are at risk of venous thromboembolism and ensure that appropriate prophylaxis is used. A Canadian patient was admitted for a laparotomy for removal of an ovarian cancer and was not prescribed any anticoagulants, despite having a history of deep vein thrombosis. Two days after discharge she returned to hospital with shortness of breath. A diagnosis of a pulmonary embolism was made and anticoagulants were commenced, yet the patient still died with a massive pulmonary embolism revealed as the cause of death (ISMP Canada 2006).

未按规定处方及正确管理抗凝剂已被认为是引起抗凝剂使用不良事件的原因。护士扮演着评估病人是否有静脉血栓风险的角色,并确保采取恰当的预防措施。一位加拿大患者因切除卵巢做了剖腹手术,并没有给予任何抗凝血剂,忽视了她有过静脉血栓的病史。出院后两天,她因呼吸急促而回到医院,被诊断为肺栓塞,而此时给予抗凝治疗为时已晚,病人死于严重肺栓塞。(ISMO Canada 2006).

Next time you are doing a medication round and have gentamicin, heparin, insulin, oxycodone and/or potassium prescribed for your patient, consider the potential danger that even APINCH can do.



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