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cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱

 Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱,放弃使灵魂起皱.

cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱

 Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 不管去哪,不管什么天气,永远带上你自己的小太阳。

cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱

 Hope for the best ,prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。

cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱cp头像憨憨的: Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul. 岁月使皮肤起皱

 Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture. 幸福是每一个微小愿望的达成。


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