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Yi Shuo School District (51) SPSS Statistical Analysis (61) Chart Builder Creates Graphics


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Creating graphs by using the diagram builder, using preview mode to drag and drop gallery diagrams or basic elements onto the canvas (a large area to the right of the Variables list on the diagram builder dialog box) to generate graphs, so that users can get what they see, which can improve the efficiency of creating graphs and reduce some unforeseen errors. When you build a chart, the canvas displays a preview of the chart. Although the preview uses defined variable labels and measurement levels, the preview does not display the actual data, and it uses randomly generated data to sketch the appearance of the chart.


The chart builder distinguishes between different measurement levels and processes variables in different ways depending on the measurement level. Therefore, when you create a graph with Chart Builder, you need to set the measurement level of each variable in the data file correctly. Generally, variables are divided into classification variables and scale variables when graphics are generated. Classification variables define categories in charts, which are often used to draw individual graphic elements or group graphic elements. Scale variables are usually category summaries of classification variables. Classification variables can be string (alphanumeric) variables or numeric variables that use numeric codes to represent categories (for example, 0=male, 1=female). This data is also called qualitative data.The measurement scale of classification variables can be either nominal or ordinal, and the measurement scale of scale variables is interval scale.


When you create a graph using Chart Builder, an icon of the variable's measurement level is displayed next to the variable's name to help the user choose whether the variable is a classification variable or a scale variable. When creating a chart, the measurement level of a variable is important. You can temporarily change the measurement level in the chart builder by right-clicking a variable in the Variables list and selecting options, or you can permanently change the measurement level of a variable in the Variables view of the data editor.



In order to introduce the operation method of creating charts by using chart builder, we take creating bar charts as an example to demonstrate. The operation method of creating other types of charts is similar, just set corresponding options according to the statistical significance of charts.


The following table is the output value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in the total indicators of national economic and social development in several years. Try to draw a bar chart to compare the development trend and proportion of the output value of each industry in the total indicators of national economic and social development in several years. (Source: Statistical Abstract of China, 2008).


Step 1. Establish a data file, define three variable names: "Indicator", "Year" and "Indicator Value", and save some screenshots of the sorted data file as shown in the figure.


Step 2: Open the Graphic Builder dialog box and select the menu "Graphic-> Graph Builder" to pop up the dialog box as shown in the figure. Set as shown in the screenshot.


Step 3: Select the Gallery tab, double-click the Cluster Bar icon in the second item in the Bar (B) category, or drag the Cluster Bar icon directly to the canvas area. Every chart in the gallery is a predefined collection of basic elements, so you can create various charts through the Basic Elements tab, which is more flexible than the gallery, but it is faster and more convenient to create charts through the gallery.


Step 4: Set chart variables. Although there is a chart on the canvas, the chart is incomplete because there are no variables or statistics to control the height of the bar and specify the variable category corresponding to each bar. Chart cannot be without variables and statistics.


Step 5, set the element attributes. After the chart and variables are set, the attributes of each chart element are the default values of the system, and the attributes of elements should be modified according to the actual needs of the chart, such as statistics, graphic styles, sorting methods, scale types and so on. In this example, all element attributes adopt default values without modification.


Step 6, set the title. In this example, the title 1 is selected, and the text content is set as "Comparison Chart of Annual Output Value of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industries".


Step 7, Operation Results and Description. Click the OK button of the Chart Builder dialog box to complete the drawing of the bar chart. We can get two information from the bar chart. First, since 1978, the output value of these three industries has increased. Second, the output value of the secondary industry is the highest every year, followed by the tertiary industry and the output value of the primary industry is the least.


Preview for next issue: In this issue, we learned about creating graphs by chart builder. . In the next installment, we will learn how to create graphics using the Sketchpad template selector.


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